Qi Node 18: 霜降 Shuāngjiàng (Frost Descends)
Learn more about the final moments of Autumn as it becomes Winter
Qi Node 17: 寒露 Hánlù (Cold Dew)
Learn more about the transition from Autumn to Winter by clicking here
Specialty Herb Clinic: Circulation Problems
Monthly Specialty Herb Clinic focused on this month on circulation problems. Click to learn more about how to participate.
1st Moon of Summer
On the heels of the Rabbit Year’s extra Spring moon, Summer really gets going with the 1st moon of the season, marking the maturation of Yang qi and the availability of potent Yang force.
Specialty Herb Clinic: Seasonal Allergies
Monthly Specialty Herb Clinic focused on this month on seasonal allergies. Click to learn more about how to participate.
Qi Node 6: 谷雨 Gǔyǔ (Grain Rain)
Learn about how the Earth element holds space at each of the transitions between seasons in the Chinese calendar.
Qi Node 5: 清明 Qīngmíng (Clear And Bright)
The first qi node of the year where Yang is truly present and realized.
Specialty Herb Clinic: Indigestion, Heartburn, Acid Reflux
Monthly Specialty Herb Clinic focused on this month on Indigestion, heartburn, and acid reflux. Click to learn more about how to participate.
3rd Moon of Spring
Normally the moon that marks the full force of Spring energy, but this Year of the Rabbit is a leap year which means that Spring will have a 4th moon.
Qi Node 4: 春分 Chūnfēn (Spring Equinox)
Day and Night have equal sway on this important transition day of the year.
Qi Node 3: 惊蛰 Jīngzhé (Insects Awaken)
Read about the increasing expansion of Yang Qi during this earliest part of Spring.
Event Night: The Astrology of 2023
This event is an in-person predictive Astrology reading that will focus on the trajectory of the year of 2023. Bring questions and curiosity!
Winter Holiday
Root & Branch is closed for our Winter holidays starting on December 21st, and we will reopen on Monday, January 2nd.
Fire Cider Workshop: Boost Your Immunity!
Learn how to make a classic immune boosting tonic
with Lauren Morse
Fire cider is a long-used folk remedy to ward off illness during the winter's cold and flu months. Making this tonic at home is an easy and affordable way to add an immune boost for you and your family. The basic fire cider blend contains apple cider vinegar with herbs chosen for their antibacterial and antiviral properties: ginger, garlic, onion, cayenne pepper, and horseradish. From this base there are many options to customize for flavor and action.
Class Info:
Learn about the herbal ingredients of this remedy
Sample different fire cider blends
Prepare their own custom fire cider to take home
All materials provided
We'll be chopping vegetables and herbs, so come ready to dive in!
About Lauren
Lauren recently graduated from the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine as a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. She has a background in farming and urban homesteading and loves everything DIY: growing and preserving food, fermentation, raising chickens and goats, and making homemade body products. For several years, she managed and taught classes at the Portland Homestead Supply in Sellwood. She has sensitive skin, and making balms and lotions at home allows her to make affordable, quality products without irritating additives. Lauren loves teaching others how easy (and fun) it can be to make products at home!
Specialty Herb Clinic: Immunity
Monthly Specialty Herb Clinic focused on this month on Seasonal Immunity and Allergy. Click to learn more about how to participate.
Specialty Herb Clinic: Immunity
Monthly Specialty Herb Clinic focused on this month on Seasonal Immunity and Allergy. Click to learn more about how to participate.
Bamboo Bodies Seasonal Workshop
Harvest your health for better energy, less pain & more potential as you age!
In the Footsteps of the Masters, Part 2
Learn from experienced practitioner Bryan McMahon how to employ the classic diagnostic tools of the five phases, six stages, and three burners to arrive at a concrete diagnosis based in direct perception. Additionally, students will learn how this diagnosis directly translates into formula strategy based on the qi (movement) and wei (flavor) of herbs, effectively removing them from the hit-or-miss process of pattern-based formula correspondence.
In the Footsteps of the Masters, Part 1
Learn from experienced practitioner Bryan McMahon how to employ the classic diagnostic tools of the five phases, six stages, and three burners to arrive at a concrete diagnosis based in direct perception. Additionally, students will learn how this diagnosis directly translates into formula strategy based on the qi (movement) and wei (flavor) of herbs, effectively removing them from the hit-or-miss process of pattern-based formula correspondence.
Reflective Medicine Class (Level One)
(Originally designed for Chinese medicine students, but now open to the public)
This class is designed to teach the basic witnessing skills of a traditional medicine person.
The skills covered in this class are:
Chinese Pulse Diagnosis
Discerning the direction of the mind and body through feeling the pulse.
Constitutional Assessment
Discerning the body and personality tendency of the individual
Chinese Tea Medicine
Pouring Chinese tea to assist the person’s body and mind
Chinese Tea As Medicine Class
Join us and learn to use Chinese tea as medicine! :)
Whole Person Embodiment
This class will focus on the various methods to influence the Qi quality of tea as a process of ceremony and embodiment.
While picking the right tea for the occasion is important, so too is the awareness one carries into the experience of serving. This class will explore the skill of finding the parts of ourselves that are truly medicinal. We will learn to uncover these virtuous states of being and then channel them into the service of tea.
All are welcome to join! =)
Reflective Medicine Class (Level One)
(Originally designed for Chinese medicine students, but now open to the public)
This class is designed to teach the basic witnessing skills of a traditional medicine person.
The skills covered in this class are:
Chinese Pulse Diagnosis
Discerning the direction of the mind and body through feeling the pulse.
Constitutional Assessment
Discerning the body and personality tendency of the individual
Chinese Tea Medicine
Pouring Chinese tea to assist the person’s body and mind
Chinese Tea As Medicine Class
Join us and learn to use Chinese tea as medicine! :)
Whole Person Embodiment
This class will focus on the various methods to influence the Qi quality of tea as a process of ceremony and embodiment.
While picking the right tea for the occasion is important, so too is the awareness one carries into the experience of serving. This class will explore the skill of finding the parts of ourselves that are truly medicinal. We will learn to uncover these virtuous states of being and then channel them into the service of tea.
All are welcome to join! =)
Reflective Medicine Class (Level One)
(Originally designed for Chinese medicine students, but now open to the public)
This class is designed to teach the basic witnessing skills of a traditional medicine person.
The skills covered in this class are:
Chinese Pulse Diagnosis
Discerning the direction of the mind and body through feeling the pulse.
Constitutional Assessment
Discerning the body and personality tendency of the individual
Chinese Tea Medicine
Pouring Chinese tea to assist the person’s body and mind
Chinese Tea As Medicine Class
Join us and learn to use Chinese tea as medicine! :)
The Health of Fire & Water
This class will explore physiology in the elements of Fire and Water.
Class time will be split up into two sections:
1) Identification or “read” on the health of these elements within a person
2) Teas that can reinforce these elements (strengthen) or transfer their energies effectively (reduce)
All are welcome to join! =)
Reflective Medicine Class (Level One)
(Originally designed for Chinese medicine students, but now open to the public)
This class is designed to teach the basic witnessing skills of a traditional medicine person.
The skills covered in this class are:
Chinese Pulse Diagnosis
Discerning the direction of the mind and body through feeling the pulse.
Constitutional Assessment
Discerning the body and personality tendency of the individual
Chinese Tea Medicine
Pouring Chinese tea to assist the person’s body and mind