Qi Node 8: 小满 Xiǎomǎn (Grain Sprouts)
We are mid-way through the first moon of Summer and the Yang qi is driving the creation summer fruits and vegetables. It is inspiring movement and activity in people and helping all of us to feel progressive and productive.
Yang qi’s transformation from dormancy in Winter through the rebirth of Spring has now finally manifested as a fully mature Yang. At this point in the calendar, much of Yang’s early impulsiveness, and even recklessness, it showed in late Spring has settled down. Yang has a discipline and dedication to doing and growing that shows in the seedlings taking hold in the fields.
For us, the 8th qi node marks a distinct shift toward consistent activity. Get up and move around. Working in groups to accomplish larger tasks is auspicious this time of year, with a greater likelihood of smooth interactions and successful completion. Socialize with friends, enjoy the growing warmth, and involve yourself in things beyond your personal comfort and your routines.
Qi Node 3: 惊蛰 Jīngzhé (Insects Awaken)
Finally we can begin to feel the change in the balance of Yin and Yang in our environments. It’s still not time to go out and be super active, spending loads of time outside and getting sweaty but the change is coming. Use this node to finalize your Spring plans and get thinking about what you’ll want to do with the long days of Summer.
“And the ground began to tremble…”
This qi node is a time of awakened movement, the earliest stirring from life that has been in a state of partial awareness — the half-dreaming quality of the time before sunrise. While the return of Yang qi was marked with the beginning of Spring one month ago, it is not until this qi node that the yang qi has truly opened its eyes and begun to stir. In many places there is a subtle wind that blows regularly but is not particularly strong and has a green, fresh quality that belies the eventual coming of Spring.
This qi node is a significant turning point for many people’s emotional and motivational headspace. In many parts of the world, Winter has an exhausting quality (mostly because we modern people have a hard time embracing the slow and constrained tempo of Winter, and our modern social and economic structures do not allow us to take more time for ourselves and our families in any consistent and impactful way.) But at this point in the early new year, many of us can see the changes in our physical environment enough to know that the Yang we have been craving these many months is on the rise.
Like much of early Spring however, people should still be very cautious during this time of the year because we can mistake the early stirring of Yang qi for its full and mature self, inspiring us to vigorous jobs, hours in the garden, or longer hours at work. Even the smallest taste of the qi that Yang promises us, and we are suddenly trying to put a new roof on our house with only a rickety ladder and an old hammer. Even though you can now feel that something is different, that the warmth of summer is indeed going to return, resist the temptation to immediately start making big moves.
Now is still the time of planning and organization but in a more concrete way than the brainstorming sessions from a month ago. You can start to write the list of seeds and plants you want to buy for your garden, maybe sketch out its layout for the year, take measurements for home or yard improvements and spend time online costing out your projects, hunt online for the best reviews of books for a new hobby you want to start or do some comparative shopping for tool or equipment upgrades you’ve been considering. You can leverage some of this new Yang qi for more focused planning but if a baby reached out to touch the stove, you’d admire it’s tenacity but certainly correct its activity to prevent harm. You are the baby right now.
Dragons Wake from Hibernation and The Winds Return
Chinese style blue dragon dyed onto silk
There is an ancient image associated with this time of the year as well where the dragons who have been hibernating in the high mountain lakes begin to stir from their deep winter slumber and will soon break through the thawing ice weakened by their agitation. This annual escape marks the return of thunder and lightening to many observed weather patterns and an increase in windy and blustery days. Also, because the dragons represent potent Yang Qi, this classic story reminds us that just as the dragons have brought yang back to the atmosphere, we too can observe the return of Yang to our daily lives in a meaningful and useful way.
With the beginning of Spring one month ago, Yang was a seed just beginning to germinate, but now it is pushing toward the surface of the soil (and maybe the melting snow). As it shows itself above ground over the next few weeks, it will still require tender care and protection from cold and frost just as we humans must ease back into activity and avoid the temptation to run around in shorts and tanktops at the first sign of a sunny day. Yin is contacting from is dominance at the end of January and it’s strength is spent, but that doesn’t mean Yin’s power has completely receded, and unwary exposure to drafts and the stirring winds of Spring can set us up for congestion, headache, watery eyes, and fatigue through out the Spring and Summer.
It is worth noting as well that some of the symbolic representations for this qi node depict the agitation of worms as they wriggle toward the surface of the soil. The movement of these insects stirs the qi of the soil and encourages the seed of Yang to germinate, just as the Dragons’ stirring encourages Yang in the atmosphere. Interestingly, the Chinese word for an earthworm is dì lóng 地龙 which can be translated into English as “earth dragon.” And so form follows function, even at the level of language.
Qi Node Quick Notes
Best Time for Qi
5 am
The hours just before dawn.
Movement upward and outward.
Direction of Activity
Neigong facing the rising sun
Don’t exert yourself. Just play and experience it.
Qi Node 23: 小寒 Xiǎohán (Lesser Cold)
The decline of Yin begins with this node and sets up the transition toward the young Yang of Spring.
Seeing with More than Your Eyes
Yin is the more subtle of the two interacting forces that shape the world around us. Remember that Yin is substance and form, heavy and deep, dark and complex and also remember that it is fundamentally mysterious. The nature of Yin collects and holds the wisdom of our ancestors, the knowledge of how life was lived and what was valued both for humans on this plane, and for every other being, and every other manifestation on every other wavelength and on every other dimension throughout time, space, and beyond. Woah! If you feel like you need to reread that sentence a few times — I had to rewrite it a few times so that it made any sort of sense at all. That’s because of the very properties of Yin the sentence is trying to describe. There aren’t any words that can capture it completely. How it works in our lives can be glimpsed and sometimes analyzed, but never truly known.
In particular, the dynamic of the 23rd Qi Node, 小寒 Xiǎohán, is even harder to discern. We don’t have the direct experience of an incredibly long night like at Winter Solstice, nor do we have the palpable change in the weather patterns that help us see the movement of Qi in the environment like in late spring or late fall. Instead, much of our ability to understand this node has to do with softer sensations like our emotional needs, our dreams (or lack thereof), and the reminiscence and reflection that move to the fore of this time of the year.
The Imminent Decline of Yin
A classic metaphor to qualify Yin at this Qi Node is the image of a dowager empress acting as regent for her young son. She has been ruling things for several years and her power is absolute (Qi Node 22: Winter Solstice), but the young emperor is getting older and it will not be much longer before she will have to cede the throne to her son. She is still very much in control of her surroundings, but she too is getting older and the knowledge that she will not be able to remain in her post forever is now undeniable.
This narrative helps us to understand the movement of Yin and Yang during this time of the year where Yin is still the dominant force, and its ability to shape everything in our environments is just like the powerful Empress Regent. Yang is young, just reborn at the height of the Empress’s power during solstice and is growing toward self-awareness every day. Yang is still vulnerable though and easily misdirected. It has little of its own identity and relies almost entirely on the nurturing depth of Yin to keep it safe. Yet despite this dependence, the Empress Regent Yin feels the drain of constantly nourishing her burgeoning young Emperor Yang more than she did in the past. Her resources are beginning to wane, and it is time to prepare for transition.
Experiencing 小寒 Xiǎohán
Often people start to inhabit an emotional space called the “Winter Blues” during this time of the year. It now even has a loose diagnosis called SAD or seasonal affective disorder and has been biomedically linked to reduced exposure to sunlight and lower levels of Vitamin D. In response to this biomedical explanation, there has been a proliferation of desktop lamps that mimic sunlight and an increase in supplements of Vitamin D to help “counteract” the effects of the season. Interestingly, even in more equatorial parts of the world where the variance in daily sunlight hours is much smaller than in more polar regions, many people still report feeling more melancholic, less-motivated, and nostalgic or regretful. Our modern desire to avoid these types of feelings has motivated researchers and product manufacturers to create tools to help us minimize these emotions and continually reorient ourselves toward activity and ebullience.
Why we are so driven as modern people to skirt any association with non-exuberant emotion is a much longer conversation of Western (read modern) people’s negative relationship with Yin stuff and the celebration, and even worship, of Yang stuff for thousands of years. For now, let me say that the movement toward inactivity, slower days, longer hours sleeping, deep reflection, a want to apologize for past transgressions, and a sense that there is a deep yawning void “out there” is completely normal and appropriate. It is the nature of Yin to stretch out endlessly in front of us during this time of the year, and as we stand on the precipice of that enormity, it can make us feel small, insignificant, and utterly without value in the great scheme of things. The beauty of looking at the movement of life through the various qi nodes and the seasons is that even in the face of Yin’s disconcerting profundity, we know that its overwhelm is temporary. It is a glimpse at what our, and many other’s, reality is made from and stitched with, but it is not an end in-and-of-itself. In fact, it is this very complexity that creates the nursery for Yang, for activity, for analysis, for execution of tasks and plans. So, sit with your reminiscence. Spend time with your feelings of inadequacy. Embrace your lack of motivation to do big things and make the things you do smaller. Take the experience of your past and the pasts of other people and begin the soft stages of imagining what the next year could be. Weave regret into the fabric of who you are so that you can rely on what it has taught you as you spin the cloth of a coming new year.
Conduct During the 23rd Qi Node
Historically, many Chinese people used this and the next qi node to begin cleaning the interior of their homes in preparation for the socialization of Spring. They spent time indoors and eschewed many social engagements (often because in Northern China it was literally too cold and snow-covered to go outside and travel anywhere), eating foods that had been long-cooked and then reheated or even eaten cold when the dish suited it.
For contemporary people, 小寒 Xiǎohán is an opportunity to think about the coming year. To take it easy and brew cups of coffee or tea to drink as you spend time with yourself or your immediate family and avoid overextending yourself in work, tasks at home, or social obligations. The time for revelry is coming in about a month, but it’s not here yet. Creative efforts should be limited to planning stages and brainstorming, but real creation, especially of anything new, should be tabled until later in Spring. Exercise should be slow and minimal, focusing on stretching, shaking, tapping, and simple calisthenics. Definitely no marathon runs or intense mountain hikes, and minimize your sweating above all else. That kind of vigorous activity demands that Yang qi get up from its nest and rise to the surface to provide the necessary energy and force to get those tasks done, and it is far too young and fragile to have such demands made of it. Yang will respond to your call (you are still alive of course), but the cost to its available resources later in the year will be greater and could reduce the amount of available Yang over the course of your life. It is much better to wait and sync those vigorous types of activities with the right seasons.
Take your time. Take your rest. Appreciate the constantly changing nature of your environment. After all, experience is the point of embodiment.
Qi Node 22: Winter Solstice
The grandeur of Yin is on display during the longest night of the year. Learn more about what this point in the annual Yin Yang Cycle means for you.
Seeing The Qi All Around Us
The movement of qi in the environment is an endless and inevitable process. Yin and Yang are constantly interacting with one another in the smallest of circumstances as well as on a cosmic level. Solstice days are great opportunities to look at the annual cycle when it has more clear definition. That is, Winter and Summer solstice have visible and palpable qualities that virtually any human being can see or experience making it easier to understand what all this discussion of qi movement is really getting at.
The Peak of Yin
Yin is one side of the Yin Yang movement that is represented by various related qualities: Darkness, moisture, cool and cold temperatures, substance, form, heaviness, history, blood, ancestry, rumination, nostalgia. Yin is the definition of substance and it transcends the boundaries of what we think of us the world around us and connects all the substantive material of the universe. Yin qi is profoundly complex and because of that depth, it is intrinsically mysterious. Even if you could stare at it endlessly, analyze it and take it apart, Yin qi would always seem entirely familiar and simultaneously out-of-reach. Yin and Yang both ebb and flow at various times in the year and Winter Solstice is the time when the Yin qi has gathered and matured to fullest self. It is now a powerful feminine force that is both nurturing and demanding.
Winter Solstice marks the longest night and shortest day of the year. In many parts of the world the temperatures are cold and the ground is covered in snow. Even if the weather does not make it as easy to see the strength of Yin where you live, rest assured that the forces at work in our environment are much more potent than the temperature of the air or soil. Even in warm or tropical climates, the qi of the Winter is more retrospective and reserved, demanding that we eat differently, think differently and conduct ourselves differently than we do in the Summer.
Your Food Should Be Warm and Slow-Cooked
Because there is less Yang Qi available in the Winter generally, but especially around Solstice, your meals should be prepared in a way that deeply extracts their stored flavors and natures. Soups, braises, slow-roasts, and simmering are all great ways to use cooking to dig into what is hidden deep, making it available to nourish your body. Season your meats and vegetables with mild, warm spices like cumin, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Add some ginger and garlic to your sautee bases or in with your roasted vegetables. Take advantage of the squashes still stored from the end of the summer like Delicata, Kabocha, and Acorn. Drink a slightly salty broth with your meals or make a whole soup several times per week. This moisture helps to keep your digestion running smoothly. Avoid overeating as much as you can. No raw foods, smoothies, or salads this time of year.
Your Conduct Is Restrained
The enormity of Yin at the time of Solstice permeates our environs. People feel nostalgic or homesick, we yearn for connections with our friends and families, we are more oriented to naps and lazy days. These feels and inclinations are right and appropriate at this time of year. Yin gives us the opportunity to nourish ourselves from its depths — the same place that our lineage and memory come from. Even emotions that our Western culture categorizes as negative ones like sadness and regret are appropriate this time of year. Yin in its fullness makes it easier for us to reflect on the past and to glean wisdom from our actions both good and bad.
Significantly, the time around Winter Solstice is not the time of the year to start new projects, nor the time of the year to increase your marathon training regimen. It is a time for soft and mild activity that does not cause a person to sweat, for stretching and breathing. It is a time to imagine the possibilities for the coming year and to slowly organize your thoughts and goals. It is not time to plan exactly, just the time to wonder and hope and imagine. Let your mind be carried into the myriad variations of your life, your family, and your work.
Treating every month of the year as if it were July is like driving your car with your foot pressed hard on the gas. You can do it, but your fuel will not last and in many contexts, your driving will be dangerous. You can keep doing everything you do in the summer all through the winter but it costs more. You will require your diminished yang qi to rouse itself from its hibernation and to flare bright and strong for you to get things done the way you want. It will respond to your call but for how long and to what degree? Are you always fighting fatigue, drinking cups of coffee or cans of redbull? Is your hair thinner than you’d like? Your metabolism slower? your bowels less reliable? These and many more can all be signs of your yang qi being overextended and your body’s lack of yin nourishment. If we do what we’ve always done, we will get what we’ve always got. Can you begin to reorganize your life to allow for more replenishment? For more introspection? How can you take steps to ease the demands you place on your body? It can start with something as small as drinking tea while starting out your front window, thinking about the last time you spent with nothing on your mind.